About fundamental rivals, tactical tricks, other cyberdisciplines and their own victory at the championship " Ural steel-2012 "We are talking today with the deputy captain of the" Golden Team " The Red: Rush Unity , Alexei Neuchev (DedDoCTOR).

About the Chinese, game tricks and their own victory

[Gambling.ru] You are champions – congratulations! By the way, whose game in this tournament gave your team the most trouble?

[A. Neichev] virtus.Pro! It was the hardest thing to play with them. Although we won with a score of 2: 0, but, in principle, could lose 2: 3 to them.

[Gambling.ru] It was the most difficult match?

[A. Neichev] Yes, p Virtus.Pro The most difficult thing, but it was not easy for the qualifying, where we met with the Poles, Chinese and Americans. The latter were very pleased – they were able to win once, and it was clear that the guys were preparing, which was always pleasant. In their game there is something new, special, their thinking is slightly different from our. But the Chinese shouted more that they would win, but flew out almost immediately.

► All combat vehicles assembled – the time has come for decisive battles!

[Gambling.ru] There were some teams for which you were preparing especially?

[A. Neichev] We watched how they play Gra , and prepared to confront them – this is a strong enough opponent. They feared Virtus.Pro and several European teams, such as ODEM MORTIS (very good team from Germany) and Polish 1st Pad And Evil Panda Squad.

To come up with some blanks in contrast to their tactics, I had to look at several matches with the participation of these brigades, mainly from the league ESL. As a result of special problems with them (except Virtus.Pro ) did not arise at the tournament.

Our plan was to deceive the opponent, to beat him tactically. A couple of times I had to apply my special tricks, and in the end they worked. We have never shown these tricks for anyone, so, in fact, they can be considered a one -time tactics – the rivals will study them and next time they will be ready.

[Gambling.ru] Tricks and brought victory to the team?

[A. Neichev] Partly. It was also helped that we were seriously preparing for the championship, “rolling” the clock in the game. A strong team helped a lot in the training process Red Rush , which did not get to the tournament by chance. At the same time, they would have every chance to win – and, perhaps, these are our main competitors. I would like to thank them for agreeing to train with us.

[Gambling.ru] Whether some negative from rivals came?

[A. Neichev] No, everything went in a friendly environment – foreigners smiled and congratulated on the victory.

► Parse the where, sometimes difficult-both finalist teams have an almost identical game form.

[Gambling.ru] And the Chinese? They promised to break everyone ..

[A. Neichev] They promised. But do not be so self -confident. Even if you are sure of your victory, it is better to modestly say “we hope for first place” (shows your ring of the winner. – Hereinafter. aut.)

[Gambling.ru] And on the next Ural Steel, the Chinese will draw the necessary conclusions, as you think?

[A. Neichev] The Chinese were cooked in their boiler. They could learn about how Europeans and Americans play only from video recordings on YouTube, so they are lacking in practical experience. Now they realized that they were wrong, believing that they would easily overcome everyone.

But the Chinese need to pay tribute, they love e -sports and know how to approach training properly. I'm sure next year they will become much stronger.

► “Tankers” The Red: Rush Unity are the winners of the Ural Steel 2012 and holders of the title of the best world of World of Tanks.

[Gambling.ru] Did you have a feeling of victory at the very end of the final?

[A. Neichev] The game with Virtus. Pro : When we won her, they began to feel much more confident.

About "premiums", tanks and game format

[Gambling.ru] You think, the abundance of premium tank spoils the game?

[A. Neichev] No, they are "fan"! The main thing is that they do not add an imbalance into the game. Uberbank should not be done, but in general … It seems to me that the premium has its own chip. You buy such a car, and here it is, happiness. She shoots cool from afar. A person likes it: bought it – and shoot for your pleasure!

[Gambling.ru] It makes sense to train on such tanks?

[A. Neichev] Tank, most importantly, should be comfortable. Take it T-32. Due to the impenetrable tower, it can be hidden anywhere. But the "royal tiger" or, for example, IS-3 Do not burden the mound, the gun will not go down. But the "thirty -second" falls. T-32 is one of the best in the game "Svetlyakov", so it is often taken to battle.

► A total of the heavy Soviet IS-3 tanks released 2311 pieces, and this model was exploited until 1993.

Artillery has a little more choice. There is, say, cumulative, but in order to apply a lot of damage with its help, you need to get very accurately. And there is "massive": if it at least gets nearby, it also takes off a lot of HP.

[Gambling.ru] And you have a loved one?

[A. Neichev] My favorite tanks are tournament. In "Random" I spend little time – we mainly play in the training room. And sometimes it is necessary to devote the time of personal life, so it is not always possible to ride and shoot a hunt.

[Gambling.ru] How do you like the idea to change the format from 7×7 to 15×15?

[A. Neichev] Not worth it. This is inconvenient in organization, and not all sponsors are ready to finance a team of fifteen people. Even seven players are a bit too. Basically, all team disciplines are designed for five people, this is the standard. Seven plus two – not much, but already the limit. Even more? I think it will be very expensive.

► If tournaments were held in the format of 15×15, all winners would have been accommodated by one stage? KVN experience shows that this is possible.

[Gambling.ru] What are more bad teams of fifteen people?

[A. Neichev] In the game 15×15 there is a certain system in which the successful side is selected depending on the game map and the revival point. It is there that the tanks of all players rush, and the shootout begins in the same place.

If a person, for example, is weakly weak, in such a disassembly his low level will almost not be noticeable. And when you play 7×7, even a small mistake can cost victory. In this mode, the level of professionalism means much more!

[Gambling.ru] Have you ever tested the Gametrix vibration for Wot?

[A. Neichev] I tried once. I think this is more entertainment for simulators. If the “tanks” were a simulator, then yes, and so … in the simulators, if you use a cloak, the feeling of realism increases. This is probably very cool.

About conflicts, "shots" and salary

[Gambling.ru] The main quality of your team that contributed to the championship?

[A. Neichev] I think our cohesion and friendship. Everyone in the team should Lord of the Spins sister sites be friends. And if a person understands a partner at a half, then winning is much easier.

► cohesion and excellent understanding are important for The Red: Rush Unity command qualities.

[Gambling.ru] But conflicts are still?

[A. Neichev] There are, as in any other team. But we try to settle them very quickly and peacefully. The last word, however, can remain with the commander, but not always-we still do not have a real army.

[Gambling.ru] And who is your responsible person for personnel decisions?

[A. Neichev] I am engaged in registration work, answer the forum, register the team for championships, fill out various pieces of paper. We also have a manager – Diver. There is a field commander who fights in the game itself. His task is to come up with tactics.

► in a semifinal meeting with Virtus.Pro.Gametrix could not relax for a minute – rivals were worth each other.

[Gambling.ru] World of Tanks for you, work or more hobby?

[A. Neichev] Rather, a hobby. But if you take into account how much time and effort I spend on the game, this hobby can be safely called "little work". And any work, even if you like it, sooner or later begins to tire, and the “tanks” here is no exception. We need to unwind, take a break for a couple of days and take a break from endless battles so that fresh forces appear.

[Gambling.ru] You will receive a salary monthly? Or you don't have that yet?

[A. Neichev] We recently signed a contract with HewlettPackard. There is even an emblem (shows an emblem on a T -shirt). Promised a salary and computers to play at home. Today, by the way, we were still captured by tablets from Wargaming.Net. In general, we will soon enjoy the brand new "iron".

About doping, new patch and other disciplines

[Gambling.ru] Did the team use any doping to achieve a high result?

[A. Neichev] Alcohol immediately crosses out – the athlete's mind should be clear. And almost no one smokes in our team: everything is for a healthy lifestyle. And those who sometimes allow themselves to drink with friends, before the championship, declared a "dry law" before the championship.

► with alcohol and other entertainment drinks in the team strictly – for the duration of the championships and important training, not a drop!

[Gambling.ru] And the youth doping is also a categorical "no"?

[A. Neichev] We mainly drink water. When you artificially spur yourself, then, of course, a decline begins. The same with doping – at first invigorates, but after three hours like a squeezed lemon. And this watch can just fall on the final.

It often happens that the power engineers got drunk in the morning, and in the evening everything is already no – hunting to sleep. I believe that you need to be in normal condition from the beginning to the end of the entire championship

[Gambling.ru] How do you like the organization as a whole?

[A. Neichev] Very, very! I live in Donetsk, not half -planes from here, but I still paid for the air travel. I liked the hotel – a good level, and the feeding is not bad.

► A good prize pool and an excellent organization-so Alexei remembered the Ural Steel 2012 championship.

[Gambling.ru] Do you plan to switch to other cyberdisciplines?

[A. Neichev] In Dota, all niches are busy, and it is extremely difficult to break there – one chance of a million. And then not in a new team, but in the already established. But the “tanks” are only developing, and tournaments are held on them for only a year, which, you see, there are few for e -sports.

[Gambling.ru] Do you and your team have special signs?

[A. Neichev] Not really. As in any other sport, we try to play until the very end and respect for any opponent, even if he is a rather weak level.

► “It seems to be a trifle, but it's nice – and it will remain as a keepsake!"

[Gambling.ru] Winner ring is a pleasant surprise? You will wear?

[A. Neichev] Don't know. He will be a great membrane of this championship, as well as the medal for first place from the last Uralstali. But I do not like to wear anything in my arms or on my neck. He will probably have to lie at home like a souvenir.

Other articles about the Ural Steel 2012 championship:

• Ural steel-2012

• Alexey Kuznetsov about tanks, aircraft and prospects of the Ural Steel Championship

• Interview with Alexei Morozov

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