Popularity Quake Live Recently, it has been steadily falling, but watching the games of the best nuclekers of the world is still a true pleasure. Because QL, on the one hand, is complicated, and on the other, it is very simple. In addition to the ability to shoot here, a lot is solved by logical and analytical thinking: first of all, you should try to get into the skin of an opponent, “read” it and outwit.

In this article we will talk about the best acting players in the world in Quake Live , About those who still remain with the helm of the "sinking ship". Each of them has its own unique style and rich experience of performances at major international tournaments.


Kevin Bayza (France), 21

Strenx , In the past, playing for Frag Dominant , Fnatic And Millenium , It is rightfully considered the most striking and famous representative. Jumping on cards, shooting all living things, began at thirteen years old, playing a professional level since 2008. But let you not be misleaded by his young age, Kevin is an experienced player who visited more than a dozen world championships.

► A colorful video about the Frenchman's game from the organization fnatic

For the first time Strenx showed teeth at online tournaments 2007-2008., which clicked like nuts. The over-well-enlarged game on the Internet, however, was interspersed with slurred results on the first LAN-renegles, and in the community the Frenchman was known as an “Internet” (that is, capable of something only on the network). However, not for long – in online battles Strenx He swallowed, he had a flair of his opponent, and soon came the turn of the victories on Lan.

THIS IS INTERESTING: The best card of the Frenchman – DM6 , And he always called the worst Ztn : According to him, the rocket launcher runs there, but his main trump card is completely useless – Lightning Gun.

Kevin Baeuz is a very emotional player, sometimes even too much, and not to the best of the ambitious, but the reason for this is not a bad character, but a desire for perfection in everything, without which it is impossible to reach the peak. In almost every interview, the athlete repeats that his main goal is to become the best in the world. And over the past three years, the level of Baeisa's game has actually decently increased. True, to the great Rapha , Cypher And Cooller you need to pull up a little more.

► a more experienced Cooller teaches Kevin of life, and he arrives arrogantly.

But now, thanks to the only game style, the Frenchman has become a strong nut for almost any of the world elite Quake Live. Developing its own strategy and tactics of fighting, Strenx pays great attention to how to be smarter than the enemy, how to outwit it. Therefore, your own style itself Strenx describes as "thinking quake".

► “Strenx means strength!"

Thinking is good, but to embody the results of mental activity in deadly attacks is even better. The Frenchman masterfully owns all guns presented in the game, but is most friendly with the Shaft ( Lightning Gun ) with whom he is just inimitable. Once Kevin was asked to tell about themselves as a turn in a nutshell. He said: "Superior Shaft".

THIS IS INTERESTING: Kevin carefully approaches his training process. If most of the world elite during training plays anymore, then Strenx always laid out on the full and tries to win on each map.

The most complex rivals consider our queers Cypher And Cooller. With the latter, the Frenchman has especially tense relations – Strenx How no one knows how to get a titled Russian from himself. The matter, thank God, has not yet reached an open confrontation, but Anton Singgov has more than once threatened the Frenchman with reprisals on the network. Kevin perceives all these threats as a joke, simultaneously admitting to the ability to “troll” anyone well.

In the past few months, Strenx has postponed training in Quake Live , To try a new tooth Shootmania Storm. In the game from Ubisoft The enemies crumbled too well – as part of the team Millenium (Cypher, Strenx, AV3K) He became the third at the past at the end of June Cyberathlete Summit. But soon the Frenchman was bored of the good old Quake and declared his return. For a long time?..

List of the main achievements:

QuakeCon 2011 : 2nd place

Ultimate Gaming Championship 2011 : 2nd place

Dreamhack Winter 2008 : 2nd place

IEM V World Championship Finals : 3rd place

IEM V EUROPEAN Championship Finals : 3rd place

Dreamhack Summer 2010 : 3rd place

Beat it Quake Live 2010 : 3rd place


Alessandro Avallone (Italy), 25 years old

A native of the town of Andor that near Genoa, a real legend of professional computer sports, earned world fame not only thanks to the series games Quake – For several years he was one of the best in the world in the game in Unreal Tournament 2004, Doom III And Painkiller.

► Here they are – one of the best in Quake Live! In the photo: Alessandro Avallone and Shane Hendrickson (Rapha).

The secret of Alessandro is that he easily and enviable speed shall be charged to new games and shows excellent results a couple of months after the debut. Painkiller athlete was especially successful: in 2005 Stermy He took third place on the New York Grand Final CPL World Tour and enriched at 70,000 US dollars. Now such amounts to duel fps professionals are just dreaming.

► Alessandro plays at a very high level in several games at once – you can't drink skill!

Soon, Painkiller tournaments sunk into oblivion, as the game stopped promoting and supporting its owners. And Stermy went to Quake IV, with whom, unlike other duel games, he also had no problems. In 2006, Alessandro became the second on a prestigious Intel Summer Championship 2006 , Skipping forward only the Swede Toxjq.

THIS IS INTERESTING: in Quake IV Avallon lingered for a short time. What do you think he exchanged brainchild ID Software? In life, you can't believe it – on FIFA! Together with your new team San Francisco Optx He took silver on CGS World Finals 2008 ($ 150,000).

In 2009, the most famous Italian foreier of all time finally switched to Quake Live. For three years of his career (from 2009 to 2012.) Stermy visited several dozen duel championships, but rarely got to the prize catwalk.

THIS IS INTERESTING: As a child, Alessandro was seriously engaged in football, played for the children's team of sampdoria. The future career of the football player cut off the news that, due to slow growth, he was not taken in a youthful composition.

The Italian’s lack of gold medals in solo championships skillfully compensated for the constant victories of his team Colwn (TOXJQ, Winz, L1NKJE, STERMY) __ in command mode. STERMY, well familiar with all his comrades, quickly managed to create a combat -ready “hodgepodge”, which dominated the world tournaments in the world Quake Live TDM.

► “Says and shows Stermy!"

Avallone, the “locomotive” of Italian e -sports, for more than ten years he not only trained and won, but also constantly resolved organizational issues, looked for himself sponsors, etc.D. Thanks to his initiative and titanic efforts last year, the championship appeared in Italy Ultimate Gaming Championship – The main event in the life of computer sports of the country.

List of the main achievements:

Dreamhack Summer TDM 2011 : 1st place

Dreamhack Winter TDM 2011 : 1st place

ESL EMS Team Death Match 2010 : 1st place

Quad Gaming CTF 2010 : 1st place

QuakeCon TDM 2011 : 2nd place

Dreamhack Winter 2009 : 3-4th place

QuakeCon 2009 : 5th place


Matsu Krzhykovsky (Poland), 21

One of the most titled world quenchers was born in a small town of Ostruda. As a child AV3K Constantly watched matches of the best cyber -ealeans in the world and admired their game. Matsu dreamed of playing no worse than the then world stars Quake and in 2005-2006. I started training several hours a day.

► upset Cooller and young disheveled champion ESWC 2007

THIS IS INTERESTING: seriously carried away, in addition to Quake, bodybuilding and MMA (from English.Mixed Martial Arts – mixed martial arts) , AV3K does not believe in the existence of God's gift – he explains any success with stubborn labor and constant training. The Pole gives great importance to willpower, considering it the main characteristic of the Champions in any business.

The guy was noticed and invited to the Dutch team Serious Gaming. The leadership assessed the potential of young Matsui and did not lose: in 2007, AV3K, without losing a single card for the entire tournament, won sensationally ESWC 2007. Victory made a sixteen -year -old teenager the youngest ESWC champion for the whole (!) the history of the tournament.

► The first map of the most interesting final Dreamhack Winter 2009, the enemy is the Swede Z4Muz.

Like many other professional players, in the middle of the two thousandth Pole tried his strength in different versions: from Quake IIIIV And before Quake Live. Matsu Krzhykovsky was good in all these games, but he won fame in the fourth part, where he and the legendary TOXJQ were considered the best players in the world. The Pole was the first to stop the Swedish legend that won the tournament tournament.

THIS IS INTERESTING: More recently, Matsu, together with his comrade Alexei Yanushevsky ( Cypher ) and Kevin Baeza ( Strenx ) played in Shootmania Storm For the team Millenium.

Answering the question of how he was so ease of victory in the early period of his career, AV3K said that the main reason for the victories in psychology. He decided for himself as a teenager – not so important whether he will win the championship or not; The main thing is to give up one hundred percent and show the best that is capable of. Therefore, going into the game, the sixteen -year -old Av3k did not think about the names and titles of the opponent – he was not afraid of anyone.

► Who would have thought that the small and smart champion ESWC 2007 after a few years would spend a day in the gym and engage in MMA.

Moving from early beta versions to Quake Live , AV3K pretends to be an honorable place among the best, but such results as before, no longer shows. In an interview with the portal SK Gaming Matsu admitted that he was left the former confidence and psychology of the winner. Although nothing has changed in the training process. Matured?

List of the main achievements:

Dreamhack Summer 2010 : 1st place

ESWC 2010 : 2nd place

Dreamhack Winter 2009 : 1st place

Gamegune 2008 : 1st place

Dreamhack Winter 2008 : 1st place

ESWC Grand Final 2007 : 1st place

IEM IV European Championship Finals : 2nd place

IEM V EUROPEAN Championship Finals : 2nd place

Dreamhack Winter 2011 : 3rd place

Gamescom 2010 : 3rd place

ESWC Masters Athens 2008 : 3rd place


Alexey Yanushevsky (Belarus), 22 years old

Minsk resident Cypher – without exaggeration, the same national pride of Belarus as Wargaming.Net , And you can talk about it for a very long time. Alexey – one of the most titled players in Quake in the world. Many in the community consider him the strongest player of discipline Quake Live at all.

► You think Cypher is sitting a shit? Not at all, this is how he sets up at the computer during important matches.

During his career, he won almost everything that was possible in dueling mode: from ESWC to QuakeCon And Dreamhack. Together with Rapha And Cooller Belarusian is included in the impromptu three of the strongest players in Quake of the last four to five years.

THIS IS INTERESTING: If we talk about the confrontation with Cooller and Rapha , then with the first Alexei never had any special problems. According to our hero, he easily played against adherents of the old school. But matches with "uncomfortable" Rapha have always been heavy and viscous, and Cypher He admitted more than once that he would prefer not to meet him in the finale.

The significance of all these achievements is difficult to overestimate, given that Cypher All these years he trained in the Belarusian Internet segment with only Russians-to play against the “bourgeois” because of the big ping was dreary. Now the situation with the Internet in the republic has changed for the better, but not much.

Alexey began to play, like everyone else: he became interested in Quake as a child and constantly watched the notes of the best players (mainly representatives of the Russian Quake School). His main dream was then to win Electronic Sports World Cup , And the more he trained and watched other people's notes, the more he understood that it was quite real.

► The first game introduces the audience to the legend of the Belarusian Quake.

The start of a professional career was given in 2006. Kefir – such a nickname was given to him in the CIS – he won GIGA Games 2006. In the same year, being almost no one, Alexei reached the ESWC Grand Final. This achievement, along with other results, attracted attention Fnatic , And our hero entered their ranks.

But let's get back to the final ESWC 2006. When the only step remained before the fulfillment of the cherished dream, the owner of the tournament, Frenchman, fanned in the decisive battle Winz. The defeat was very struck by the pride and motivation of our hero, and for some time Cypher went into the shadow.

► “Cypher does not forgive rivals!"

In 2008, professional players returned to the "People" Quake III – A lot of championships was planned for it. Alexey, reaching for the majority, decided that the time had come to “shoot” again. It was not difficult to do, because CyPher He loved this version, he liked to come up with new “chips” and constantly hone this or that mechanical maneuver.

The Belarusian talent returned not in vain – 2008 came out truly productive. Yanushevsky won ESWC Masters Paris , QuakeCon 2008 , ASUS AUTUMN Davinci’s Gold Casino 2008 and a number of others. From the tournament to the Cypher tournament, he confidently crushed his opponents, and his game form (in his own words) was then at the peak. The community was struck by its level of shooting and a competent choice of positions on the map, they sang praises, calling the best “aimer” in the world of Quake.

After winning ESWC 2008 Alexey changed the team – his new home became the Dutch organization Serious Gaming , In the ranks of which his friend, Pole Av3k.

THIS IS INTERESTING: The new team Cypher, Serious Gaming, worked closely with the American manufacturer of gaming devices Razer. Among other things, this led to the appearance of the mouse on sale Razer Deathadder Serious Gaming Edition , dedicated to the Belarusian player.

In 2009, as in 2007, in the game of Alexei there was a decline. No, Cypher still adequately held among the best, but it was not possible to win everything in a row. The game form returned in 2010. Yanushevsky drove through the rivals like Belaz: the gold of all four tournaments from Minsk went to Minsk Asus , And also QuakeCon And Dreamhack Winter. In general, the Swedish championships Alexei were always easy: after the triumph in 2010, he won and both tournaments in 2011.

► Not every gamer can boast of a named device from Razer ..

And about recent events: less than a month ago, many lovers Quake Live tightly glued to the monitors – in the US QuakeCon 2012. Who went around everyone there? Guess yourself! Or see below.

List of the main achievements:

QuakeCon 2012 : 1st place

Ultimate Gaming Championship 2011 : 1st place

Dreamhack Winter 2011 : 1st place

Dreamhack Summer 2011 : 1st place

IEM 4 European Championship Finals : 1st place

QuakeCon 2010 : 1st place

Dreamhack Winter 2010 : 1st place

ESWC Masters Paris : 1st place

QuakeCon 2008 : 1st place

ESWC 2008 Grand Final : 1st place

Beat it Quake Live 2010 : 2nd place

Dreamhack Summer 2010 : 2nd place

ESWC 2006 Grand Final : 2nd place

Em 4 Global Challenge Dubai : 2nd place

Quake Con 2009 : 3rd place


Shein Hendrickson (USA), 23 years old

A young native of Rockford, Illinois, is the strongest player in Quake Live In the USA and the world of the last few years. In the American community he is considered the second large champion after the legendary Jonathan Vendel ( Fatal1ty ), although this is not entirely true, because there was still Zero4.

Born in a small provincial town, where the majority of the population were unemployed, Shane became interested in computer games, and once his father took him on QuakeCon.

► Student and teacher: John Hill (Zero4) on the left, on the right of Shane Hendrickson (Rapha)

What was happening turned his head, especially the thirteen -year -old Rapha was impressed by the game Zero4 , which later became his main idol. Dreaming to resemble his idol, Shane began intensified training, but since his parents were divorced and he often changed his place of residence, it was not always possible to train.

THIS IS INTERESTING: A passionate fan of old school players, the American even began to play, keeping the keyboard on his knees, which was popular in those years. Now among the young players, perhaps, you will not meet this.

Over time, Shein began to participate in regional American championships, where he was noticed by the famous Zero4. We can say with full confidence that exactly Zero4 opened the world community of young Rapha. Experienced player Loaning trained with Hendrickson, and the level of game of the latter grew up before our eyes. Shane's potential was noticed in Sk Gaming, where Rapha I crossed with his "Sensei".

► “They did not find a keyboard on the table? And she is on her knees!"

It would seem, here it is, a bird of happiness and success, take and catch it by the tail, win all tournaments in a row. But Rapha was not yet ready for victories at the international level, moreover, in his first exits to Europe, he most often flew out of group stages. The community began to make a trick on SK And their choice, they say, is close to the elbow, but you won’t bite, Never to become the best … But the team and Zero4 believed that someday Shane would still “shoot”.

► Cheerful Shane often gives interviews to various resources – much more often than other professional players.

The breakthrough occurred after QuakeCon 2008 , on which the American almost first got into the four. After this tournament, according to Shane, something snapped inside-and Rapha realized what he was missing.

The first international gold was mined to ESWC Masters Athens 2008 , Then Rapha broke through, and the first places rained down, like out of a cornucopia. In 2009, the American won QuakeCon , Gamescom And Em 4 Global Challenge Dubai ; In 2010- IEM 4 World Championship finals And ESWC 2010. All those victories became evidence that Shein is able to be the best in the world – and it was not for nothing that SK and Zero4 were believed in him.

THIS IS INTERESTING: In the life of Shane himself, Vera is far from the last place, he is a surface Christian, and he always has a Bible with him. Even a game pseudonym in his religious origin and means "healer".

In 2011, Rapha also won a number of tournaments and visited almost all finals: from Ultimate Gaming Championship to QuakeCon. He then mined gold on an industrial scale, in which he was helped by his own game style, honed for years.

► Rapha against Cooller – that in Quake Live it can be better?

A feature of his style was a deep analytical approach and the observation of the opponent’s actions a couple of moves ahead, for which Shane received the nickname “5 Steps Ahead” (five steps ahead). The game was for Rapha by no means a dynamic joker in the first person, but a kind of chess in which he always sought to keep what was happening under control. He felt an opponent: if he liked to play passively and neatly, Rapha inflated the pace and forced him to make mistakes, if the enemy, on the contrary, rushed his head with a headlong, the American methodically swept him.

It is unlikely that American politicians voting against games suspect how important the clear “shooters” are clear mind and analytical abilities. Perhaps Rapha will give them a couple of lectures ..

List of the main achievements:

Dreamhack Summer 2012 : 1 place

QuakeCon 2011 : 1 place

IEM V World Championship Finals : 1 place

Beat it Quake Live 2010 : 1 place

IEM V American Championship Finals : 1 place

Dreamhack Winter 2011 : 2 place

Dreamhack Summer 2011 : 2 place

Ultimate Gaming Championship 2011 : 2 place

Gamescom 2010 : 2 place

QuakeCon 2012 : 3rd place

ASUS Summer 2010 : 3rd place

ESWC 2008 Grand Final : 3rd place

And where is Cooller?

We did not mention another legend Quake – Antona Singov ( Cooller ). But only because an individual material is being prepared according to Anton, which will tell about his acquaintance with the game, about the first victories and defeats. Wait – and it will be given to you!

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